Asahikawa Design City※1 ユネスコ創造都市ネットワーク(UNESCO Creative Cities Network) 異なる文明、文化、国民の相互理解をめざすユネスコ(国際連合教育科学文化機関)が2004年、世界の創造都市の連携による創造的・文化的な産業の育成や相互交流の支援を目的に創設した。デザイン(Design)、メディアアート(Media Arts)、映画(Film)、音楽(Music)、文学(Literature)、食文化(Gastronomy)、クラフト&フォークアート (Crafts & Folk Art)の7つの分野で世界295都市が加盟。デザイン分野には43都市が認定されている(2019年10月31日現在) ※2 創造都市 「文化芸術の持つ創造性を活かした産業振興や地域活性化」に取り組む 都市(文化庁HPより) ※3 あさひかわ創造都市推進協議会 デザイン都市旭川の活動母体として、産業界の団体を中心に構成・設立。各種の取り組みを推進している。
Asahikawa City of Hokkaido has a long history of fostering the regional strength through design activities centered on industrial fields such as household furniture and craft. Making use of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network※1, Asahikawa Creative City※2 Promotion Council※3 aims to promote the value of the region’s rich nature and resources including Daisetsuzan National Park with the power of design and create an attractive and sustainable community for both peaple and nature.
※1 UNESCO Creative Cities Network : established in 2004 by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) for the promotion of creative and cultural development of industries and supporting mutual exchange through inter-city collaboration. The goal of UNESCO is to promote mutual understanding among civilizations, cultures, and peoples. There are 295 member cities in 7 different categories: Design, Media Arts, Film, Music, Literature, Gastronomy, and Crafts & Folk Art. There are 43 cities recognized in the field of Design as of October 31, 2019. ※2 Creative Cities: the cities that work to promote local industries that embody creative cultural and artistic values and revitalize the local community through various initiatives (Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan). ※3 Asahikawa Creative City Promotion Council: the parent organization established by members of the local industry for the promotion of Asahikawa as a City of Design. It promotes a variety of initiatives.
Asahikawa Creative City Vision
The Forest of Design
We create the forest of design with local nature, people, and culture.
The seeds of ideas grow over time into the trees of happiness to create the beautiful forest. We strongly believe the great power of design enables us to realize capacity building, town development, and craftsmanship in our distinctive way.
実現したい未来像 The Future We Want to Realize 北の大地の「自然」や「人」が持つ大きな力をデザインで育み、美しく幸せな未来を創る With the power of design, we develop the potential of nature and people in this northern land to create a happy and beautiful future.MISSION
果たすべき使命 smallspan1.デザインを活かした創造都市旭川の普及啓発活動
- ①デザインの力で市民ひとりひとりのあったらいいねの実現
- ②デザインを合言葉にしたコミュニティの創出
- ③アートとデザインに触れあえる機会の創出
- ④街の未来を創造しデザイン手法により文化を育む土壌づくり
1.To Develop and disseminate information
about the creative city of Asahikawa
- ①To satisfy the ‘I-wish-I-had-this’ needs of every citizen with the power of design
- ②To build a community with ‘Design’ as a slogan
- ③To create the opportunities to experience art and design
- ④To create the image of the city’s future and to build the foundation for developing cultures with design methods.
- ①創造都市との人的ネットワークづくり
- ②文化の創出、文化多様性への理解の促進
- ③全世界のサスティナブルな未来に向けた取り組み
- ④時代の要請に応えるESD(持続可能な開発のための教育)の推進
2.Activities as a member of the UNESCO
Creative Cities Network
- ①To build human network with other creative cities
- ②To create culture and promote the understanding of cultural diversity
- ③To work towards the realization of a globally sustainable future
- ④To promote the education for sustainable development to meet the needs of the times
- ①デザイン思考による地域活性化の推進
- ②豊かな地域を活かしたサスティナブルな社会の実現
- ③クリエイティブ人材の育成や活躍の機会の創出
- ④サスティナブルを意識した暮らし方や居心地の良い風土の実現
Activities to realize a creative city
which coexists with the northern forest
- ①To promote regional revitalization with creative thinking
- ②To realize a sustainable society powered by the plentiful region
- ③To cultivate talented individuals and to create opportunities
- ④To realize a sustainable, comfortable way of life in harmony with the land