旭川クリエイターズクラブ(ACC)の会員が、コロナでちょっと疲れた世の中に向けて、未来がつまったバッグの数々を提案する「BAG TO THE FUTURE(バッグ・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー)未来につなげるバッグ展」を開催。それぞれのバッグには、デザインや機能性、メッセージなど、クリエイターのアイデアがたくさん込められ、展示されたバッグの一部は一般販売もされました。また、クリエイターの作品作りの過程などを紹介する「WORKS BY CREATORS~クリエイターのおしごと動画」の上映や、「あさひかうPROJECT」の作品・パネルの展示なども同時に行われました。

BAG TO THE FUTURE – Exhibition
Members of Asahikawa Creators Club (ACC) held the BAG TO THE FUTURE: Exhibition of Bags Showcasing the Future of Bag Design event to introduce bags “imbued with hope” for a COVID-exhausted society. Each bag embodies the unique ideas of its creator, such as having improved functionality, a distinct design, or a profound message. Some of the bags displayed were also available for purchase. WORKS BY CREATORS~The Job of a Creator, a video that explains how creators make their works, was shown to guests during the event. Creations and display panels showing the bag-making process for the “AsahiKAU PROJECT” were also exhibited at the venue.